时间:2013-05-24 20:35:07
Function Is_Int(a_str)
If not isnumeric(a_str) or len(a_str) > 5 Then
Is_Int = false
Exit Function
Elseif len(a_str) < 5 then
Is_Int = true
Exit Function
End if
If cint(left(a_str , 4)) > 3276 Then
Is_Int = false
Exit Function
Elseif cint(left(a_str , 4)) = 3276 And cint(right(a_str , 1)) > 7 Then
Is_Int = false
Exit Function
Is_Int = true
Exit Function
End if
End Function
Function Is_Lng(a_str)
If not isnumeric(a_str) or len(a_str) > 10 Then
Is_Lng = false
Exit Function
Elseif len(a_str) < 10 Then
Is_Lng = true
Exit Function
End If
If clng(left(a_str , 9)) > 214748367 Then
Is_Lng = false
Exit Function
Elseif clng(left(a_str , 9)) = 214748367 And clng(right(a_str , 1)) > 7 Then
Is_Lng = false
Exit Function
Is_Lng = true
Exit Function
End If
End Function
关键字:检测整数和长整数的ASP函数 |